The Gill Ranch Storage Facility is owned jointly by Gill Ranch Storage LLC (75% ownership), a wholly owned subsidiary of SENSA Holdings LLC, and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (25% ownership), a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation.

SENSA Holdings LLC

SENSA Holdings LLC is owned by eCORP Storage LLC and Sciens Natural Gas Holdings LLC.

eCORP Storage LLC is a member of the eCORP International, LLC family of companies. eCORP Storage was created in 2017 for the purpose of participating in the acquisition and ownership of a platform of natural gas storage facilities. The corporate predecessor to eCORP International, LLC was founded in 1978 by members of the Thrash family. Over the last thirty three years, eCORP companies, current and former principals, and affiliates (“eCORP Companies”) have been involved in the development, ownership, or operation of approximately 20% of the capacity of new gas storage projects in the United States.

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Sciens Natural Gas Holdings LLC is a member of the Sciens family of companies. Sciens Capital Management LLC manages a family of independent investment funds. Sciens Capital manages assets involved in the areas of private equity, hedge funds, and real assets. Sciens’ investors are large institutional investors, including the pension funds of several states. Sciens invests in real assets (i.e., natural resources, transportation and utility infrastructure, and real estate) by partnering with experienced and specialized asset operators such as the eCORP Companies. Sciens Natural Gas was established for the sole purpose of making investments in natural gas storage facilities, like the GRS Facility, together with eCORP Storage.

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Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, incorporated in California in 1905, is one of the largest combination natural gas and electric utilities in the United States. Based in San Francisco, the company is a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s primary business is the transmission and delivery of energy. The company provides natural gas and electric service to approximately 15 million people throughout a 70,000-square-mile service area in northern and central California. The service area stretches from Eureka in the north to Bakersfield in the south, and from the Pacific Ocean in the west to the Sierra Nevada in the east.

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